The little knowledge about the flowmeter what you do not know.
Turbine flowmeter is a kind of widely used flowmeter. It has features as compact confirmation, intuitive reading, high reliability, and free from outside interference. If the users can use the turbine flowmeter in the regular maintenance, they will effectively extend the useful life of the following progress the the progress of the turbine flowmeter, hoping to help everyone. 1. flow fluctuation is higher The reasons for higher flow fluctuation are as follows: (1) Is the water flow pulsating flow? ① in general, pumping the raw material, if the flowmeter installation position is close to pump, it is easy to produce pulsating flow, resulting in large fluctuation in traffic. In this situation, you should be to increase the straight pipe distance between pump and flowmeter, so that the flow will be more stable. ②If the flowmeter installation position is close to the valve or elbow, when the raw material through the valve or elbow, it will cause the flow fluctuations. (2) Is the...